Article Processing Charges

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development- IJAERD do not charge for Submissions. There is no Publication fee for publishing articles.

All articles published in International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development - IJAERD are published in full open access. In order to provide free access to readers, and to cover the costs of peer review, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management, an article processing charge (APC) 1500 INR applies to papers accepted after peer review.

Article Processing Charge includes:

  • Publication of one entire research paper in Online.
  • Individual Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to every article.
  • Indexing process.
  • Editorial and Reviewer Fees.
  • Plagiarism checking
  • Grammar checking
  • Maintenance of Website.
  • Link resolvers and journal infrastructures.

What are Article Processing Charges?

Unlike traditional publishers, Open Access publishers – like IJAERD – do not generate revenue from selling subscriptions. Instead, we make all of our articles freely available. Other Open Access publishers charges an Article Processing Charge (APC) once an article is accepted for publication to cover the costs of taking a manuscript and turning it into a finished article. But our IJAERD not claims fee for publishing. For more information on the principles of Open Access and how they apply to IJAERD, please see What is Open Access Publishing?

When a manuscript is submitted, it is processed through the many different departments at IJAERD:

  • The Editorial Screening team, who perform initial technical and ethical checks.
  • The Editorial team, who are responsible for coordinating the review process with the journal’s academic Editorial Board – see peer review at IJAERD for more information.
  • The Production team, who convert the manuscript to a professionally typeset article and a well-structured XML.
  • The Proofing team, who coordinate the proofing process through IJAERD Online Proofing System (OPS).
  • The Editorial Quality Assurance team, who perform a final check to ensure that the manuscript and its review process adhere to the journal’s guidelines and policies.
  • The Indexing teams that liaise with all major index services.
  • The Support teams, who answer any questions throughout the publishing process.

These teams work with our marketing, communications, and technical teams to ensure your article receives the attention it deserves. A portion of all APCs are reinvested into the technical systems that support these services; ensuring that the publishing process continues to be as easy as possible.

We hope that this page has helped you understand them in more detail, but please do contact us with any questions you might have.