POOL FIRES OF HYDROCARBONS STORAGE TANKS occurrence,parameters,modeling and ccontrol
single point source; matlab; radiant heat flux;fraction of height radiated, Acceptable Separation DistanceAbstract
This paper aims to develop mathematical model to predict the potential of a large liquid hydrocarbon storage
tank pool fire escalating and involving adjacent tanks, as a result of thermal loading. The exposure of a storage tank to
radiant heat from an adjacent tank fire may, following ignition, result in an explosion or a fire. The point source model
is simulated numerically within MATLAB environment for (i) calculation of the ra diant heat flux from large, full-surface
pool fires for various chemicals, various tank diameters and metrological conditions,(ii) prediction of the distribution
of thermal loading over the surface of an adjacent tank ,(iii) prediction of the minimum safe separation distance
between storage tanks, in order to prevent involvement of adjacent tanks. (1)By applying model for number of
chemicals at same conditions has given following results ,(i) the radiant heat flux received at specific point from
Heptane pool fire was greatest whereas from methanol burning was lowest,(ii) total heat radiated from heptane pool fire
was highest , (ii) LPG flame length and height were highest as compared with studied products,(iii) ethanol had the
highest burning durations for same fuel spill volume ,(2) The radiant heat from the flame received at particular point
increase largely with pool fire diameter and wind speed ,(3) for gasoline pool fire, the minimum acceptable separation
distance increases rapidly for both structures and people when the dike diameter and wind speed increase. Considering
the risks associated with pool fire, Fire protection measures, such as water cooling system, foam system and personal
protective equipment should be provided as well as proper layout of tanks with acceptable separation distance among
them to prevent or reduce the pool fire hazards.