Enhancing Privacy and Security by Visual Authentication System and QR Code Strategy


  • Apurva Maloo Department of Computer Engg, Modern Education Society’s College Of Engg, Pune
  • Sneha Patil Department of Computer Engg, Modern Education Society’s College Of Engg, Pune
  • Jagruti Mhetre Department of Computer Engg, Modern Education Society’s College Of Engg, Pune
  • Mrinal Mathesul Department of Computer Engg, Modern Education Society’s College Of Engg, Pune
  • Prof. S. S. Raskar Department of Computer Engg, Modern Education Society’s College Of Engg, Pune


Authentication, smartphone, malicious code, keylogger


Keylogging or keyboard capturing is that the activity of recording (or logging) the keys smitten on a
keyboard, Usually during a close lipped manner so the individual utilizing the keyboard is unconscious that their
activities are being discovered. It likewise has exceptionally authentic uses in investigations of human-computer
interaction. There are varied Keylogging techniques, extending from hardware and computer code based mostly
methodologies to acoustic examination. as well as human in authentication protocols, whereas guaranteeing, isn't easy
in light-weight of their restricted capability of calculation and remembrance. The project exhibits however careful
mental image define will improve the safety likewise because the convenience of authentication. The system propose 2
visual authentication protocols: one may be a one-time-password protocol, and therefore the different may be a
password-based authentication protocol. Our approach for real arrangement: the system has the capability attain to
associate abnormal state of simple use whereas fulfilling rigorous security requirements.



How to Cite

Apurva Maloo, Sneha Patil, Jagruti Mhetre, Mrinal Mathesul, & Prof. S. S. Raskar. (2016). Enhancing Privacy and Security by Visual Authentication System and QR Code Strategy. International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD), 3(11), 15–19. Retrieved from https://ijaerd.org/index.php/IJAERD/article/view/1751