A Secure One-Time Password Authentication Scheme Using Image Texture Features


  • N. Vinaya Kumari Assistant Prof, Dept. of CSE, Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science , Maisammaguda, Secunderabad.
  • P. Ramya Krishna Assistant Prof, Dept. of CSE, Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science , Maisammaguda, Secunderabad


IBA (Image Based Authentication), OTP (One Time Password), SHA-1(Secure Hash Algorithm)


Phishing, a serious security danger to Internet clients is an email misrepresentation in which the culprit
conveys an email which resembles honest to goodness, in a request to assemble individual and money related data of the
beneficiary. It is critical to avoid such phishing assaults. One of the approaches to keep the password robbery is to
abstain from utilizing passwords and to validate a client without a content watchword. In this paper, we are proposing a
verification benefit that is picture based and which kills the requirement for content passwords. Utilizing the texting
administration accessible in web, client will get the One Time Password (OTP) after picture confirmation. This OTP at
that point can be utilized by client to get to their own records. The picture construct verification strategy depends in light
of the client's capacity to perceive pre-picked classes from a lattice of pictures This paper incorporates Image based
authentication and HMAC based on onetime password to accomplish abnormal state of security in confirming the client
over the web. These Algorithms are exceptionally sparing to actualize given they are time synchronized with the client.



How to Cite

N. Vinaya Kumari, & P. Ramya Krishna. (2017). A Secure One-Time Password Authentication Scheme Using Image Texture Features. International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD), 4(12), 767–773. Retrieved from https://ijaerd.org/index.php/IJAERD/article/view/4533