Security In Healthcare System By Using QR code


  • Jaid Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute Of Engg. & Technology,Pune,Maharashtra,India
  • Piyush Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute Of Engg. & Technology,Pune,Maharashtra,India
  • Karan Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute Of Engg. & Technology,Pune,Maharashtra,India
  • Prof.Pradip Shewale. -
  • Prof.Pradip Shewale Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute Of Engg. & Technology,Pune,Maharashtra,India


Keylogging,QR code


Information is unit associate in growing supply of knowledge generated from hospitals consisting of patient
records within the variety of exhausting copies which may be created easier and convenient by mistreatment QR code of
the patient details. Our aim is to make a Health-care vascular system which can offer the options like clinical
management, patient records, unwellness prediction and generate QR code for each patient as per there updated
unwellness data. Keylogging or keyboard capturing is that the activity of recording (or logging) the keys stricken on a
keyboard, usually during a incommunicative means in order that the individual utilizing the keyboard is unconscious that
their activities area unit being discovered. It likewise has exceptionally authentic uses in investigations of humancomputer interaction. There are numerous Keylogging techniques, extending from hardware and package primarily
based methodologies to acoustic examination. Together with human in authentication protocols, whereas guaranteeing,
isn't straightforward in light-weight of their restricted capability of calculation and remembrance. We tend to exhibit
however careful visualization define will improve the protection yet because the convenience of authentication. We tend
to propose 2 visual authentication protocols: one may be a one-time-password protocol, and also the alternative may be
a password-based authentication protocol. Our approach for real arrangement: we tend to had the capability in curing
abnormal state of simple use whereas fulfilling demanding security requirements.



How to Cite

Jaid, Piyush, Karan, Prof.Pradip Shewale., & Prof.Pradip Shewale. (2017). Security In Healthcare System By Using QR code. International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD), 4(12), 251–254. Retrieved from